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Kevin James And Adam Sandler To Team Up AGAIN?

Think of how funny it will be!!!!
Actually, it'll probably be just more of the same. The movie's calledValet Guys, and it's exactly what you think it is:

"We're two guys in our 40s valeting in Miami. We just get dumped on by a lot of people. A guy dumps on us too much and we take his car out for a ride. It creates a whole crazy weekend. It will hopefully be me and Sandler, shooting in Miami in January. He's got the script now. He hasn't jumped completely on board."
Guys, believe it or not Kevin James IS a hilarious guy. He just hasn't been doing the best movies. And Adam Sandler has strayed from what made him great in the first place. So, the only thing that gives us a glimmer of hope about this is that Kevin wrote it himself.
And there's no doubt that the two are friends and have good on-screen chemistry:
"The kids get along so well. The wives get along great. We go on vacation with them all the time. It's really nice, especially in Hollywood, to have someone you can talk to and has been through everything. He knows how people treat other people."
We're positive that with the success of the last two family-friendly rated flicks that that'll be the route that the higher ups will want to go. We say that's bullshizz! Make it rated R, Kevin, and blow us away with that sense of humor that doesn't need to be dumbed down!
Now THAT would be fantastic!
Sandler's reading the script now, so we'll see if he signs on.
Are U guys excited by this idea??

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