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Death Race (2008) -need to die to be free?-

Death is something thats inevitable for anyone. With that freedom is something we all lack.We all like to live freely. I thought of giving you this movie because I feel that its kind of must watch movie for all those movie lovers who has'nt seen it. This movie has risen the film industry as well as the pc gaming too.The latest games like Split Second and Blur are some what induced by Death race. Jason Statham and Tyreese Gibson two of my favourite action heros star in this movie. Natalie Martinez a very pretty girl is also in here. The story is bit strange; just think theres a big penitentiary and theres a race once a month. The most interesting...

Grown Ups (2010) -back to school memories-

Today....its a comedy that I'm giving you. One you can laugh all day. What is it??? Its none other than Adam Sandler's new movie. Its got some high ranks of actors of class like Kevin James, Chris Rock and Rob Schneider.Those who has seen gorgeous Salma Hayek recently can also see in this. :-)The five guys in here have won the junior basketball championship in school.At the time when they celebrate the victory their coach tells them to live a life which is simple and fun like the game itself.Now after 30 years have gone by they are in separate places .Some have married with children and living all sort of busy lives. And they get to know that...

The KIte Runner (2007) -feels a dream to me-

Afghanistan...whats the first thought that comes into your mind. I know there will be thousands of things coming into your mind. American invasion, Taliban, war, assassins, and many more to come right..:-) But do you know that before all this in '70s Afghanistan was a peaceful and a beautiful country. Oh I nearly forgot to tell. I'm Aamir, lived in the wonderful city called Kabul. My best friend was Hassan, the son of the servant, Ali who worked at our home. We played and read books. And flying kites was something we did with so much fun.It was a tradition in our society as well. Indeed it was a game between us. One should try and cut down the...

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