Jason Statham in "The Mechanic -2011'.., as soon as I heard about the thriller I was waiting for the movie all the time. And here it is in a 350MB package so that you have to wait even less time to watch :) As we all know who's Jason Statham and what he's born to, this is another one of his masterpieces with hundred percent action. So watch and enjoy!!

A methodical hit man takes an impulsive student deep into his world and a deadly partnership is born. But while in pursuit of their ultimate mark, deceptions threaten to surface and those hired to fix problems become problems themselves. At the crucial point when all are ended successfully can Bishop getaway from the sins he committed? or will he become the pray of the hunter he trained himself?? upto you to find out.
(torrent-2011.R5.LiNE.480p.x264 ---350MB ) |
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