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Jennifer Love Hewitt Is The Worst Actress Of All Time…??

… according to statistics, that is!
So, Rotten Tomatoes is a website that compiles movie reviews from many sources and smashes all of them together to give a movie a specific percentage score on its quality.
It's not surprising that a couple of people have put that power to a really interesting use: charting actors, studios, directors, etc. careers throughout time!
Beyond it being kinda fun to do, it's actually really useful information. ESPECIALLY when you want to know who is the worst at things.
And get this — Jennifer Love Hewitt is the worst actress of all time, having never made a movie that has made it past the 60% rating (the difference between "Fresh" and "Rotten")!
Check out these stats:
The worst actor is, quite plausibly, Chuck Norris, who tops the list with an average score of 18.4 since 1985. The worst actress is Jennifer Love Hewitt, who accomplished the impressive feat of never having made a film that earned a fresh rating (higher than 60) on Rotten Tomatoes. Her average score was 18.9, thanks to her presence in a host of horror thrillers and both "Garfield" movies.
The lowest scoring director was Dennis Dugan, who hit rock bottom by repeatedly making Adam Sandler movies, including "Grown Ups," which had a 10 fresh rating and "I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry," which earned a 14 score. The best director award went to Mike Leigh, who has a lifetime average of 92.1. The highest rated American director was Ethan Coen, with an 84.3.
It's very clear what needs to happen: JLH and Chuck Norris need to star in a Dennis Dugan movie so we can make a drinking game out of what will scientifically be the worst movie ever made! Ha!
It's not too late to turn it around, Jennifer! Land an Aronofsky film!Wes Anderson! Go indie!
Do U agree with the stats??

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cara membesarkan alat vital pria said...

Rata-rata konsumen yang telah sembuh dari penyakit gatal kulit terutama di daerah selangkangan dengan menggunakan obat pelangsing badan penghilang flek hitam bekas luka pada kulit yaitu Meilibahenling. Pemakaiannya pun sangat mudah, cukup jual obat bius wanita dioleskan ke bagian kulit bekas luka dan hasilnya akan terasa setelah dua minggu kulit tersebut akan kembali seperti semula. obat perangsang alami Obat penghilang bekas luka ini mengandung snake oil, glycerine, aloe picked oil, snake guts dan reseen mishap was leave. Penghilang flex hitam pada kulit ini tidak mengandung merkuri ataupun vimax asli merkuri ataupun hydroquinon yang biasanya menjadi bahan dasar untuk produk pemutih dan bisa menyebabkan perih ketika dioleskan sehingga obat penghilang bekas luka ini aman digunakan sekalipun untuk anak-anak. cara alami memperbesar alat vital pria menghilangkan bekas luka secara alami dan dengan obat - Noda atau flex hitam bekas luka yang disebabkan oleh bekas garukan, jatuh cara alami membesarkan payudara Kurap tubuh adalah infeksi jamur yang berkembang di lapisan atas kulit Anda.

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